How to build a profitable, successful and impactful accounting firm
(without spending years and £000s learning the hard way)
This masterclass is available to watch now. Simply register below to gain access:
In this training you’ll discover:
- The 4 foundational pillars required to build the firm of your dreams to give you the financial and time freedom you crave
- Your current broken model (and how to fix it)
- The 4 mini transitions you can implement to build those solid foundations
- How you can earn 5 digit fees even as a ‘small’ sole practitioner by following a few simple steps
Note: the training is about 55mins long so I suggest you block out some time to watch it to the end. Have something on hand to take notes as I go through 167 slides of exactly how i’ve built my practice to run without me and generate enquiries on auto pilot. I’ve condensed everything i’ve learned over the last 14 years of running my practice so you can shortcut your progress and not make the same mistakes I did
Don’t just take my word for it, here is what current members are saying…

About your host
Hi there, I'm Reza and since 2008 I've run an accounting firm just like you.
In the years since, I've grown the firm three-fold and massively transformed our profits.
However, it wasn't always like that. I made many mistakes along the way but have learned much from experience, mentors and experts serving the profession.
My mission now is to help accountants like you transform the profits of your accounting firm to give you the life you wanted when you set up your accounting firm in the first place. And to do so much faster than I did by avoiding the mistakes that I made which slowed our growth.