#144 Is Paying For Coaching Really Worth It?

Season #1

Hey there!

Hope you're having a fantastic start to your day. We're already into the second week of January, back to the grind and reality. Have you kicked off your January 2024 with a bang, executing those goals you set last week?

I've been on a quest to level up my coaching business, searching for the right coach to take it to the next level. In today's session, I share my thoughts on whether paying for coaching is really worth it.

Personally, coaching has been pivotal for me. Two years ago, I hired a book coach, Jenny Carter, to guide me through writing my book. Her accountability and guidance were instrumental in making my goal a reality.

Success requires three elements: knowledge, skills, and action. Without a plan and the necessary skills, goals can remain just aspirations. That's where coaching comes in – someone to guide, mentor, and hold you accountable.

Reflecting on my own journey, I've invested over ÂŁ100,000 in self-improvement. Why? Because the best investment is in oneself. It's about gaining the knowledge and skills needed to take the right actions for tangible results.

This week, I invested $14,000 to unlock a specific aspect of my marketing and elevate my coaching business. The goal? To double the business in the next few years.

If you're feeling stuck, frustrated, or uncertain about your progress, consider investing in yourself. The cost of inaction far outweighs the investment in knowledge, skills, and coaching. It's not about spending, it's about fast-tracking your success.

As a friend and fellow accountant, my best advice is to believe in yourself, trust in your ability to take action, and invest in a coach or program that aligns with your goals. Make 2024 your best year yet!

I've got a special offer for podcast listeners – use the code "podcast20" to join my Profitable Accountants Community at a discounted rate. Also, check out my upcoming course, Power Positioning 2.0, to learn how to generate inquiries on autopilot.

Invest in yourself, take action, and let's make 2024 a year of meaningful progress towards your goals. Join me inside the community or the mastermind program – your success story awaits!

Thanks for tuning in. Until next time, take care and make it a great day!


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