Are You Ready to Have That Flexibility To Do What You Want, When You Want?

Common FAQs

Imagine if you could transform your firm right now to one that allows you the freedom to choose what to work on, where you want to work and when you want to work… all without the fear of losing clients or making less money.

βœ”οΈ A firm that allows you to spend less time working IN the business and more time working ON the actual business itself.

βœ”οΈA firm that consistently attracts high paying clients from all over the country who value your services.

βœ”οΈ A firm with systems so efficient that you don’t have to constantly stand guard monitoring everything and putting out fires.

βœ”οΈ A firm that gives you control over your time.

βœ”οΈ A firm that supports YOUR lifestyle.

If this was your reality, what would that mean for you?

How long would you choose to work every week? Would you feel more confident in yourself? Would you spend more of your “extra” time on your personal interests or family? Or would you just go shopping for the expensive things you’ve always wanted?

Well, whatever it is you choose to do… I know for sure that you’d be happy… and… comfortable.

But right now, you’re not. And that’s because there’s something holding you back from making this your reality.

And it could be that you’re still struggling with…

❌  Attracting the right type of clients into your business…

❌  Finding it hard to get work done on time as you strive to meet all your clients’ demands…

❌ Raising your prices to charge for what you’re worth…

❌ Never having the time to try new approaches to grow your firm and make more money because you’re constantly putting fires out.

❌ Recruiting the right talents to assist you in scaling your firm

Until you solve these problems, you’d never get that life that you want. So how do you solve them?

The Way Out

Like most accounting firm owners, you probably started your accounting firm to escape from your previous 9-5 job, to be your own boss, your own business manager, make more money and live a very good life with your family.

You didn’t sign up to handle even more paperwork… to rack your brain hiring the perfect employee… or chase clients who don’t even value your services.

But what can you do?

You’re stuck – doing the same thing… even when you know you should be doing something different. I mean, how can you ever try a new approach in your practice when you don’t even have control of your time?

That is exactly what I’m here for

I’m not just some business coach, I’m also an accounting firm owner just like you who knows what it’s like to go through those same problems and come out successfully.

And now, I spend more of my time helping accounting firm owners, like you, who are tired of having to spend most of their time working in their business instead of on their business… and who want clarity on where to focus the most of their time to get the most results.

I provide them with all the information, tools, resources and support they need to build a firm with a system for bringing in more money, predictably, and more freedom.

But most of all I give firm owners like you the confidence and belief - that it is possible to create a firm that can run without you.

When you sign up for any of the mentoring packages today, you will be given adequate training, how-to resources and templates that will show you exactly where to focus your time on, how to attract the best clients, raise your prices and almost even double your firm’s growth within a month!

And if you decide to continue the monthly programmes further to scale even more, there would be a lot more resources to share to get you there. 

How To Work With Me

Over the years I’ve paid thousands of pounds to different mentors and coaches to learn what I know. I’ve probably lost several more thousand by making mistakes along the way - hiring the wrong people, using the wrong technology, paying for marketing that doesn’t work. You can fast track your learning by working with me. You can work with me in any of the four different ways below.

1-2-1 Elite Support



For practice owners or multi-Partner firms who are looking to scale up and want to fast track their route to growth & higher profitability

βœ” Everything in the 1-2-1 Support, Virtual Mastermind & Monthly Mentoring, PLUS

βœ” Quarterly meet ups in person

βœ” Personal access by phone and email

βœ” 1 day visit to my office

βœ” Full day visit to your offices

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1-2-1 Mentoring



For practice owners or multi-Partner firms who want more dedicated 1-2-1 time to get to their goals faster 

βœ” Everything in the Virtual Mastermind & Monthly Mentoring, PLUS

βœ” 1 x 90 min monthly personalised coaching

βœ” Personal Access by email for help throughout the month

βœ” 1:1 Support with your challenges

βœ” On demand access to our proposals, templates and firm's checklists

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Virtual Mastermind



Everything in the monthly
mentoring programme, PLUS

βœ” 1 x initial 1:1 goal planning session

βœ” 1 x 90 mins monthly group
coaching call

βœ” 1 x 45 min monthly 1:1
session to hold you accountable

βœ” Access to a private
Whatsapp Group

βœ” Online training videos and resources

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Monthly Mentoring



For practice owners who want to know what works and be part of a community of accountants building more profitable, successful and impactful accounting firms 

βœ” 1 x 90 min monthly group mentoring session

βœ” Mentoring resources including templates, checklists, tools and done-for-you guides

βœ” Private WhatsApp group for questions between sessions

βœ” Lunch ‘n’ learn monthly sessions (zoom call style)

βœ” Weekly study circles with fellow members to discuss any challenges, best practices and learn from your peers

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Frequently Asked Questions

There is no fixed term monthly contract so you can cancel at any time, no questions asked. And there is also a full 30-day money back guarantee.

The group coaching sessions will take place on Tuesdays at 12pm GMT and run for 90 minutes. The mentoring sessions take place on Thursdays at 330pm GMT and run for 90 minutes.
The 1:1 sessions can be booked in with me at a time that suits you.

In the weeks where there is a call, you will need at least 60-90 minutes for those. Not every week has a call. When it comes to implementation, I would recommend at least 3-5 hours a week to focus on implementing this. The more time you have, the quicker you’ll move forwards.

There is no fixed length. You can start and finish at any time. I recommend that people stay with the programme for a minimum of 12 months to start to see the benefits from it.

Whilst I’m fortunate enough to have the time to do this, I still run my accounting firm and work with clients on a day to day basis. Being able to offer 1:1 monthly calls as well as have the time to prepare for the other coaching calls and mentoring sessions for more than 10 people simply isn’t feasible for me.  I also want to keep the group intimate so that we all build strong relationships.

My mentoring programme costs £145 per month and is included for free in this programme. That involves just 1x90 minute group mentoring session a month where we deep dive on a particular subject. There is no goal setting, support or accountability, which this programme gives you.

No. The programme is 100% virtual. You can join in with the calls from any location providing you have a computer, tablet or smart phone and an internet connection.

Here’s how to get started

Step 1: Click the “Get Started” button below on any of the packages you want – to make your payment.

Step 2: After you’ve made your payment, you’ll receive a welcome email containing your login details directly in your inbox within 1 business day (sometimes even instantly).

Step 3: When you login, you immediately get access to all the videos and resources as well as be informed on the date when the next mentoring session would commence. Feel free to dive into the materials while waiting for the class to commence.

1-2-1 Elite Support



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1-2-1 Mentoring



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Virtual Mastermind



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Monthly Mentoring



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