How to get paid £20,000+ EVEN during a recession

Sep 12, 2022

Dear fellow accountant

You are needed more than ever before by small business owners, not for just doing year end compliance work and reporting on history but working in tandem with the client throughout the year. Offering them a win:win value proposition by giving them access to their own finance department on demand.

You can deliver this with the software we have at our disposable and you can be well rewarded for it because it’s highly valuable

You’re no longer someone who a client is obliged to work with because they have to submit accounts and tax returns to the tax authorities. You’re someone that your client can’t do without in running their business because having you manage their finance function gives them peace of mind.

  • It gives them access to the numbers they need to make better business decisions
  • It helps them forecast what’s coming so corrective action can be taken in good time
  • It provides them with a sounding board and savvy finance brain to supplement their entrepreneurial spirit

You can do this 


PS: Want to know how you can communicate the value of this type of solution to your clients and get paid high 5 digit fees? Watch this 30m Masterclass 👇 and you’ll have the system you need to do exactly this