Struggling to raise your prices for fear of losing clients?

Sep 19, 2022

Are you struggling to raise your prices for fear of losing clients? 

We know that clients buy from us when they can see that the value they get is more than the price they’re paying.

But what is ‘value’? 

Value is the sum total of the benefits that the client FEELS they will get. Before they’ve come on board with you the only thing they have to go on is the PERCEIVED VALUE of working with you

Where does perceived value come from?

  1. How you position yourself to be the best solution for the client ie do you specialise in working with people like them
  2. the look and feel of your office / online presence
  3. The touch points they’ve had to get on a call with you - how has the process been - did they get a call link to book through and then email reminders before the call. Did they get a video showing them where to park if they’re coming to your office. Were they given a choice of drinks from a menu to choose from when they entered. Were they greeted by name and made to feel welcome and special when they walked in. Did you explain the economic value of your solution by reference to the next available alternative ie recruiting in house


Watch the video below to find out more on how you can charge higher by increasing the perceived value.