How to come up with content ideas
Jan 25, 2021Are you struggling to come up with content ideas?
Don't think you're creative enough to create content?
Feel that you don't have anything 'unique' to add to the sea of content out there?
Well, here's something that might help...
It's the principle of 'borrowed creativity'.
You see nothing ever created is truly unique...
It is simply one person's interpretation of everything that they have read, watched, observed or listened to...
So don't ever feel that you don't have anything unique to add..
Because you do..
Sharing your perspective of what you read, watch and listen to is unique..
You don't have to be in the inventor of novel ideas
Simply share your take on what you consume
Remember what Picasso said - 'Good artists copy, great artists steal'
So what are you waiting for? Start stealing and start sharing!
Watch the video below to know how you can create content