How to get new business enquiries whilst you sleep

content creation content marketing marketing Jan 25, 2021

Wondering where your next enquiry is coming from?

Panicking that you've lost revenue and need to do some 'marketing' to get some new business in.

There's no shortcut i'm afraid. 

No $97 Facebook ad course that's suddenly going to magic enquiries from thin air. 🤦‍♂️

You've got to put the effort in. 

Create the content to position yourself as the expert and authority in your field.

Because when you do that and get it right, enquiries come to you in your sleep. 

You no longer need to go out and hunt for new business.

Become the farmer rather than the hunter 

Sow those seeds now which will give off fruit for months and years to come. 

Save yourself having to go hunting every time you need to eat.

I've tried it all - networking, telemarketing, BNI, print media you name it.

And by far the best ROI has come from when I've taken the effort to create those digital assets which give value FIRST and then position us as the go-to peeps to solve our prospects problems.

It won't happen overnight.

But stick at it and you will see results 

Watch this video below to know more about how you can generate new business whilst you sleep for your firm