Why you should have the pricing conversation in person…

proposal sales sales meetings Feb 21, 2022

How do you quote your price for prospects? Do you fancy sending your price on your proposal or talking about it in person?

You see, when it comes to quoting price to prospects, what you absolutely don’t want to do is send it through the proposal.

Instead, you want to have that pricing conversation in person – either via a meeting call or a zoom conversation with the prospect. But you never want to just send your price over the proposal.


Because you lose control immediately when you do this. You become just a number on a page that gets compared to someone else’s number. And what does that mean for you?

No matter how bad you think you are at sales, I guarantee you’re much better than an outlook email or a word document. The prospect is only looking for one thing in your proposal – and that’s price. If you show the price in the proposal without being there to defend it, you've lost control of the conversation already.

See how I address this in today’s video