How to create an awesome workplace culture #people corporate culture motivatedpeople Nov 22, 2021

Do you know the biggest mistake I see business owners make when managing their employees?


Let me tell you then.

They control instead of delegating. That’s right.

They place tight parameters such as work environment just to keep an eye on their employees all the time! And...

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The best investment I made #people investing self development Apr 23, 2021

What's the best investment you've ever made? 

Is it property?

Is it stocks and shares?

Is it Bitcoin?! 

Mine is none of above..

It's investing in ME 

Investing in my own learning and development 

Investing in learning from mentors who have gone on the journey before me


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Stop waiting, take action! #people jeff haden motivation Oct 26, 2020

So do you find that you lack the motivation to start doing what you want to do?

You're waiting for that inspiration and that spark to get you to doing the things that you know will take you towards your goals and dreams. Well, actually, let me debunk a myth here. The myth that that motivation,...

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Struggle to recruit good team members? #employeemotivation #people #recruitment Oct 05, 2020

So one thing that many business owners, and accounting firm owners struggle with is people. Attracting the right talent, and when you do get the right talent in, retaining your high performers, and maximizing everyone's potential. It's one of those top three challenges that I hear time and time...

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