Shifting Towards Real-Time Financial Management new business positioning Jun 26, 2023

In the realm of business finance, a controversial opinion has been gaining traction: the notion that traditional accounts and tax returns hold little to no value for business owners. This perspective challenges the conventional belief that reporting on historical financial data is essential for...

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Every Accountantā€™s Biggest Challenge Isā€¦ new business niche positioning Feb 18, 2022

If I was looking for the slowest way to grow my accounting firm, do you know what I’d do? I’d say in my messaging that I work with “small and medium-sized companies”

Yup, absolutely gonna take me a couple more decades to grow that way but seriously now, what am I driving...

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How to generate new business for your firm new business Dec 07, 2020

How do I generate new business for my accounting firm? 

Alongside recruiting the right people, this is one of the top challenges that I hear from firm owners on a weekly basis.

So how do you go about generating new business for your firm? 

Well one tip that can help with this, is to...

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