Hey there, accounting firm owners! Today, we're going to explore a crucial strategy that can take your firm to new heights and help you stand out in the competitive world of accounting. It's all about niching down and becoming a specialist rather than a generalist. So, why be something to...
Getting customers is simple really when……
You have a system in place, social media is great but you need to know where it fits in to your marketing system
Get the strategy sorted then figure out the tactics to deliver on that strategy
Otherwise it’s just gona be noise
In this...
WARNING! Risk of drowning!
in the Sea of Sameness!
Have you ever asked yourself what makes someone choose YOU over another #accountant?
- Is it how many letters you have after your name?
- Is it how many offices you have?
- Is it your good looks?
- Is it how many accounting standards you have...
People who join you on price, will also leave you on price
When I first started out and was hungry to grow I tried everything to get clients, I hired a telemarketing agency to get me appointments. They would do the cold calling and get me appointments with business owners in the area....
I think i've just randomly won a new client for over £12,000 from Starbucks today!
Working out of Starbucks at the Village Hotels in Eastleigh today whilst my car's gone in for the 1000 mile running in service and might have got an ideal client with a fee of over £12,000!
How do we attract new business. I’ve been on a journey figuring this out for a decade and what i’ve found is that it all starts with…
When you get clear on WHO you want as an ideal client, the what, how and where to find them becomes soo much easier. Most...
If I was looking for the slowest way to grow my accounting firm, do you know what I’d do? I’d say in my messaging that I work with “small and medium-sized companies”
Yup, absolutely gonna take me a couple more decades to grow that way but seriously now, what am I driving...
Do you still struggle to win clients into your firm?
Well, then you might be guilty of this…
Lack of positioning.
That’s right.
That is the number one reason why most accounting firm owners struggle to win over new clients.
You see, without defining your ideal client, it’s...
To know whose business it is that you want. Sound simple? Yet most accounting firms still have don't have clear messaging on who their target audience is
If you don't know who you are serving and how you help them, then how can you expect to get the stream of leads that you...
Struggling to attract new clients?
And can't seem to pinpoint why?
You may be swimming in the sea of sameness.
Does your website look like every other accountants website?
Do you list all the services you offer
Do you send out the same old Budget update like everyone...
Is it better to be a generalist or a specialist?
Clue: I’m a dentist looking for an accountant. Am I going to be interested in any accountant I come across or one who specialises in working with dentists?
The specialist firm, of course.
Because an accountant who specialises in my...