What kind of culture do you have in your accounting firm? accounting firm corporate culture family environment Oct 19, 2020

How do we build the right culture in our businesses, in our accounting firms?

I've spoken before about the importance of trust. How do we create that sense of trust, that safety and that belonging that all our team members feel as part of our organization? Something I've learned from Simon Sinek...

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Overwhelmed from wearing too many hats? Read this... accountant accounting accounting firm focus owner productivity Sep 11, 2020

So when you're an accounting firm owner, you wear many hats.

You're the sales director, you're the marketing director, you're the operations director, you're the HR director, you are the business development director, and so on and so forth. It can be very overwhelming, and difficult to know...

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Struggling to recruit? This could be the reason... accountant accounting firm recruitment work environment Aug 13, 2020

So one of the big challenges that I hear from accounting firm owners is that it's really hard to find the right people.

I hear the same from clients of my accounting firm that recruiting the right people is so difficult. Well, my question back to that would be, are we the right leaders? Have we...

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How can you actually pivot in your accounting firm? accountant accounting firm pivot Jul 09, 2020

So we'll have heard of the current buzzword at the moment which is pivoting. It's that cool word that's going around during this time as to how we can pivot our business to compensate for the loss of income from our traditional channels.

So how, for example, a restaurant business can pivot...

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