Do you have a love / hate relationship with your email inbox? how to get more productivity productivitytips Nov 07, 2022

Do you have a love / hate relationship with your email inbox ?

You loathe the amount of email you get and have to respond to BUT…

You [secretly] love it when you see that notification that tells you have email to read. That’s no surprise.. It gives us that dopamine hit that...

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Feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Try this 👇 overwhelm productivity productivitytips Jan 03, 2022

Ever feel like your head is going to explode with everything you have to get done? Have a to do list as long as your arm?

I know the feeling

I used to the be same until I came across Michael Hyatt's book 'Free to Focus' And learned that productivity is not about getting more things done, its...

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Get outside of your own head priority productivity workingsmart Apr 19, 2021

99% of your problems stem from… 


But, here’s the good news!

YOU are also the solution! 

Shake those unproductive thoughts and get back to the things that are actually advancing you and your business 

You are in control! 

There will always be distractions...

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Working too many hours? Here’s what you need… accountants accounting having a process productivity Sep 21, 2020

If you're an accountant and you find that you're working crazy hours, 60, 70 hours a week, you are the one who has to deal with all the firefighting, all the queries that come your way, you're constantly having to remind people to do things.

Then ask yourself the question.

Do you have adequate...

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Overwhelmed from wearing too many hats? Read this... accountant accounting accounting firm focus owner productivity Sep 11, 2020

So when you're an accounting firm owner, you wear many hats.

You're the sales director, you're the marketing director, you're the operations director, you're the HR director, you are the business development director, and so on and so forth. It can be very overwhelming, and difficult to know...

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How to eliminate timesheets once and for all accounting productivity timesheets Aug 24, 2020

Do you still use timesheets in your firm? Now I know many accountants still do.

Even though, we've moved on to a different way of pricing clients on a fixed fee basis. But many accountants are still so attached to the timesheet, that even though they may not be billing based on the time and the...

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Ditch the timesheet! (How to effectively measure profitability & productivity) accountant client satisfaction productivity profitability timesheets Jun 22, 2020

If you're an accountant do you still use timesheets in your practice?

In my last mentoring session I did a poll. There were about 50 accountants there and more than half said that they still used timesheets in their practice.

Now the vast majority don't use timesheets for billing purposes. So...

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