Timesheets Are An Absolute Waste Of Time #employeemotivation employees timesheets Apr 24, 2023

Time sheets have long been a staple in the workplace, used to track employee productivity and billable hours. However, there is a growing movement that questions their effectiveness and usefulness.

One argument against time sheets is that they do not accurately reflect an employee's worth. An...

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This really drives me up the wall ๐Ÿ˜ก timesheets value based pricing value pricing May 16, 2022

You know one thing that really drives me up the wall is...Receiving a surprise bill. I get this quite often from solicitors. They’d be engaged on something like assisting with a new lease on a property and i’d receive a letter outlining their hourly rates. 

Thanks - but your...

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We are NOT selling time timesheets value based pricing value pricing Mar 21, 2022

Clients don’t buy time from you. I don’t care how lovely you are, they are not paying you because they enjoy talking to you. They’re paying you because of the value you bring to the table. The solutions. The outcomes. The results. The peace of mind. These are what...

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Hereโ€™s exactly what you should measure in your firmโ€ฆ pricing timesheets value Dec 13, 2021

Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions before?

“What should I spend time measuring in my firm to ensure we keep growing?”

“How do I measure my clients' satisfaction with my services?”

“How can we measure whether we’re on track with our...

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Measure this instead pricing timesheets value based pricing Dec 06, 2021

If we don't keep track of time, what should we measure instead? 

So many to choose from 

Whatever you measure, link it to the OUTCOME you are trying to achieve..

As a wise man once said 'anything that is watched and measured, IMPROVES' 

For most businesses, being client focused is...

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There is never a place for time-based billing! timesheets value based pricing value pricing Nov 15, 2021

There is never a place for time-based billing!

This might be controversial to say, but it's a really lazy way to price. The concept of the billable hour was created back in the early 1900s by a chap called Reginald Heber Smith. He was a lawyer who created it to overcome the ills in his law firm....

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How you treat price sensitivity timesheets value based pricing value pricing Aug 30, 2021

Prospect: "It's too expensive"

You: My prospects are price sensitive 

Reality: No they're not.  Most people in life are not price sensitive. They are VALUE SENSITIVE. If the value we get is greater than the price being asked, we buy.

Value though lies in the eye the beholder. Different...

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Measure this ๐Ÿ‘‡ instead... #productivity client experience timesheets Apr 30, 2021

So big debate on keeping timesheets earlier in the week 

If we don't keep track of time, what should we measure instead? 

So many to choose from 

Whatever you measure, link it to the OUTCOME you are trying to achieve..

As a wise man once said 'anything that is watched and measured,...

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Try this instead of timesheets timesheets value based pricing value pricing Apr 26, 2021

Timesheets or no timesheets - that is the question 

Always a subject which generates healthy debate 

Which side of the fence are you on? 

Still think timesheets have a place? 

Or should they be binned into history forever 

For #accountants and #lawyers IMHO they should be...

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STOP! billing by the hour! rowe timesheets value pricing Mar 01, 2021

STOP billing by the hour!

STOP using timesheets!

Time has nothing to do with what your clients value 

Client's are not buying time from you

They are buying results, outcomes, solutions to problems 

You are not a commodity 

Your 'time' is not what you're selling 

When you track...

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How to eliminate timesheets once and for all accounting productivity timesheets Aug 24, 2020

Do you still use timesheets in your firm? Now I know many accountants still do.

Even though, we've moved on to a different way of pricing clients on a fixed fee basis. But many accountants are still so attached to the timesheet, that even though they may not be billing based on the time and the...

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Ditch the timesheet! (How to effectively measure profitability & productivity) accountant client satisfaction productivity profitability timesheets Jun 22, 2020

If you're an accountant do you still use timesheets in your practice?

In my last mentoring session I did a poll. There were about 50 accountants there and more than half said that they still used timesheets in their practice.

Now the vast majority don't use timesheets for billing purposes. So...

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