When it comes to making purchasing decisions, consumers often weigh the perceived value of an item against its price. If the perceived value is higher than the price, the consumer is more likely to make the purchase. This is why it is important for businesses to focus on increasing the perceived...
Don’t be like the lawyers
Sorry lawyers!
But clients really hate being billed by the hour. It gives them no certainty in what they’re going to get and puts them off calling you or emailing you if they’re going to get a bill every time they do/
Are you really the...
I paid £1.80 for two slices of toast
You can get two WHOLE loaves for that amount?! So why did I (and I wasn't alone) spend so much more on something that I could have made at home for a fraction of the price? Because I saw 'value' AND Because it was 'offered' so I got...
You know one thing that really drives me up the wall is...Receiving a surprise bill. I get this quite often from solicitors. They’d be engaged on something like assisting with a new lease on a property and i’d receive a letter outlining their hourly rates.
Thanks - but your...
I went to the new Turkish barber last week for a haircut. Walked in, took a seat (there was no price list). Was invited to take the chair. Offered a drink and went for the Turkish coffee.
Came out in an authentic cup. The barber took great care to get the blend just right. Then proceeded to wash...
Clients don’t buy time from you. I don’t care how lovely you are, they are not paying you because they enjoy talking to you. They’re paying you because of the value you bring to the table. The solutions. The outcomes. The results. The peace of mind. These are what...
How many subscriptions would you say you’re on right now? Quite a few I’d imagine. And I believe it can only keep on increasing from there. Wonder why that is?
It’s because it’s just the way of the world these days. We’re subscribing to everything from the...
Have you ever had a prospect call your price “too expensive”? And another prospect accept it without negotiating… like it’s a bargain?
Why do you think that is? It’s the same service and price you’re offering both of them... But why is one willing to...
If we don't keep track of time, what should we measure instead?
So many to choose from
Whatever you measure, link it to the OUTCOME you are trying to achieve..
As a wise man once said 'anything that is watched and measured, IMPROVES'
For most businesses, being client focused is...
Can I have a discount?
uhhh ...
Ok because we really want to do business with you, you can have £xx off
You should never give a discount just because your prospect asks for one
3 reasons why not to do so in the video
If you absolutely must give one then only do so...
There is never a place for time-based billing!
This might be controversial to say, but it's a really lazy way to price. The concept of the billable hour was created back in the early 1900s by a chap called Reginald Heber Smith. He was a lawyer who created it to overcome the ills in his law firm....
Prospect: "It's too expensive"
You: My prospects are price sensitive
Reality: No they're not. Most people in life are not price sensitive. They are VALUE SENSITIVE. If the value we get is greater than the price being asked, we buy.
Value though lies in the eye the beholder. Different...