Donā€™t Build Your Mansion On Rented Landā€¦ email marketing social media social media content Sep 13, 2021

Imagine if all your social media accounts got blocked today. What would you do?

Will you go bankrupt?

Will you lose all your business contacts?

Will you have a panic attack?

Well, I know one thing for sure.

If you put all your weight on your social media platforms then you could possibly go...

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Have your referrals dried up? Try this... accountant accounting marketing referrals social media Aug 06, 2020

If you're an accountant at the moment, you're probably drowning in work. Heck, you probably don't have much time for marketing. However, you'll probably also find, potentially, that the number of enquirers you're getting has reduced and that's probably because, people aren't interacting socially...

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The 2nd best way to attract new clients to your accounting firm accountants accounting content creation marketing social media Jul 31, 2020

I get asked quite often, what is the best way to win new business? To attract new clients to my accounting firm?

Well, the best way is still, by far, referrals and it has been for a number of years. Referral will always be the top way that you will get new business into your accounting firm so...

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Where do you start when it comes to creating content? accounting marketing social media Jul 20, 2020

So where should you start with your content?

What do you write about?

It's a common question I get asked from the accountants that I mentor and coach. Well, a great starting point is the book written by Marcus Sheridan called "They Ask, You Answer", and the basic summary or premise of the book is...

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How to create content fast! accounting marketing social media Jul 06, 2020

I'm gonna share with you how to create content, and how to create content fast.

I'm gonna give you one technique that will help you to create masses of content that will keep you going for months on end.

So, that technique is called batching, and what batching simply means is that you batch your...

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