📝 The Power of Niching Down: How Specialization Can Transform Your Accounting Firm 📊 #generalistvspecialist niche positioning Jul 31, 2023

Hey there, accounting firm owners! Today, we're going to explore a crucial strategy that can take your firm to new heights and help you stand out in the competitive world of accounting. It's all about niching down and becoming a specialist rather than a generalist. So, why be something to...

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Shifting Towards Real-Time Financial Management new business positioning Jun 26, 2023

In the realm of business finance, a controversial opinion has been gaining traction: the notion that traditional accounts and tax returns hold little to no value for business owners. This perspective challenges the conventional belief that reporting on historical financial data is essential for...

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The Power of Human Storytelling: Why AI Won't Take Over content marketing marketing positioning Jun 13, 2023

In recent times, the rise of Chat GPT and other AI-powered tools has sparked both excitement and concern. The capability of AI to generate blog posts, suggest hooks, and even potentially write books has left many wondering if it will eventually take over the realm of content creation. However,...

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Lead With The Problem positioning value Feb 21, 2023

I reached for the paracetamol last night because I had a headache, when I’m cold I put on a coat, when there’s a leak in kitchen I look for a plumber. 

We look for solutions when we have a problem

If you want to position yourself as the solution to your prospects problem,...

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Attract Your Ideal Clients: The Power of Leading with the Problem in Your Accounting Firm ideal clients positioning website Feb 07, 2023

The Secret to a High-Converting Accounting Website: It's All About the Words

If you're an accountant, you've probably spent thousands of pounds over the years on beautiful websites that were designed to impress your potential clients. But what you may not have realized is that having a pretty...

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Getting customers is simple really 🤷 when…… niche positioning win clients Nov 28, 2022

Getting customers is simple really when……

You have a system in place, social media is great but you need to know where it fits in to your marketing system

Get the strategy sorted then figure out the tactics to deliver on that strategy

Otherwise it’s just gona be noise

In this...

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WARNING! Risk of drowning! niche positioning specialist Oct 24, 2022

WARNING! Risk of drowning!

in the Sea of Sameness!

Have you ever asked yourself what makes someone choose YOU over another #accountant?

  • Is it how many letters you have after your name?
  • Is it how many offices you have?
  • Is it your good looks?
  • Is it how many accounting standards you have...
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Two Superpowers In Business marketing positioning pricing Oct 03, 2022

There are 2 SuperPowers  in business 

Watch the video below to find out more 

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I think i've just randomly won a new client for over £12,000 from Starbucks today 🤷‍♂️👇 niche positioning specialist Sep 13, 2022

I think i've just randomly won a new client for over £12,000 from Starbucks today!

Working out of Starbucks at the Village Hotels in Eastleigh today whilst my car's gone in for the 1000 mile running in service and might have got an ideal client with a fee of over £12,000!


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Stop running around like a blue-arsed fly! client satisfaction positioning sales Mar 07, 2022

Ever feel like that? Like you’re constantly chasing your tail.. Drowning in client work and fire fighting. Not making the in-roads that you want to grow your practice. Well you’re not alone.

Tom is a small sole practitioner from Dublin with 2-3 employees and he was in...

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Every Accountant’s Biggest Challenge Is… new business niche positioning Feb 18, 2022

If I was looking for the slowest way to grow my accounting firm, do you know what I’d do? I’d say in my messaging that I work with “small and medium-sized companies”

Yup, absolutely gonna take me a couple more decades to grow that way but seriously now, what am I driving...

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You are NOT the Trusted Advisor if you do this 👇 customer service positioning trusted advisor Jan 31, 2022

So you say you are your clients 'TRUSTED ADVISOR'? Then why are you charging clients for picking up the phone to you??

A true trusted advisor would ALWAYS be there for their clients...To hear them out in their time of need, to help them solve their problems and overcome their challenges...without...

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