I reached for the paracetamol last night because I had a headache, when I’m cold I put on a coat, when there’s a leak in kitchen I look for a plumber.
We look for solutions when we have a problem
If you want to position yourself as the solution to your prospects problem,...
Are you tired of micromanaging your team and struggling to keep them motivated and fulfilled? The key to unlocking their potential lies in two simple principles: autonomy and accountability. By giving your employees the freedom to manage their own client relationships and portfolios, they become...
The Secret to a High-Converting Accounting Website: It's All About the Words
If you're an accountant, you've probably spent thousands of pounds over the years on beautiful websites that were designed to impress your potential clients. But what you may not have realized is that having a pretty...
As an accountant running your own firm, you may have experienced the frustration of spending time and money on the wrong things. However, the good news is that you can learn from others' mistakes and shortcut your way to the results you want.
In our mentoring programme, I'll be sharing my...
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the highlight reel of others' lives on social media. We often find ourselves comparing our own lives to the curated versions of others', and it's not uncommon to feel inadequate or like we're not measuring up. But, as the saying goes,...
When it comes to making purchasing decisions, consumers often weigh the perceived value of an item against its price. If the perceived value is higher than the price, the consumer is more likely to make the purchase. This is why it is important for businesses to focus on increasing the perceived...
Don’t be like the lawyers
Sorry lawyers!
But clients really hate being billed by the hour. It gives them no certainty in what they’re going to get and puts them off calling you or emailing you if they’re going to get a bill every time they do/
Are you really the...
I’ve spent a lot of time and money doing the wrong things but good thing is, if you’re an accountant running your own firm you can learn from my mistakes.
You can basically shortcut your way to the results you want without wasting time and money like I did. Who wouldn’t want to...
Aaargh!! Not another question - please leave me alone. Do you feel like that some days where the phone never stops and the emails keep on coming? You start to begrudge clients for asking your advice and coming to you with their problems. You have so much work to do that you don’t know...
Getting customers is simple really when……
You have a system in place, social media is great but you need to know where it fits in to your marketing system
Get the strategy sorted then figure out the tactics to deliver on that strategy
Otherwise it’s just gona be noise
In this...
What one thing would you tell your 20 year old self if you could go back in time?
I’d tell him to READ! I didn’t pick up a business book until I was in my mid-thirties
But when I did my mind was blown
Like i’d uncovered a long lost treasure. I gained so...
I walked out of Starbucks yesterday in a huff..
So I went to Starbucks yesterday, looked at their price list and saw that my favourite Cortado was £3.10. I stood there trying to work out how much it cost them to make it
1 Firstly starting with the unit cost of the coffee...