You are NOT the Trusted Advisor if you do this πŸ‘‡ customer service positioning trusted advisor Jan 31, 2022

So you say you are your clients 'TRUSTED ADVISOR'? Then why are you charging clients for picking up the phone to you??

A true trusted advisor would ALWAYS be there for their clients...To hear them out in their time of need, to help them solve their problems and overcome their challenges...without...

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Get paid for initial meetings intial meeting propect sales meetings Jan 24, 2022

One of the things I always preach to accountants who intend to build successful firms is that…Positioning is key.

Being seen as the expert or the authority in your field leads to high perceived value and more profit for your firm in the future. And one way to achieve this is by giving away...

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How I've increased my fees from Β£269 to Β£2,000 per month! pricing pricing strategy pricing wins Jan 10, 2022

Do you struggle to increase your fees? Do you feel that you can't possibly charge double or triple what you do now?

Well, think again 

Because if Bev can, you can!

The first step of getting paid more for what you do is belief. You need to BELIEVE that you are worth more. The belief will come...

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Feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Try this πŸ‘‡ overwhelm productivity productivitytips Jan 03, 2022

Ever feel like your head is going to explode with everything you have to get done? Have a to do list as long as your arm?

I know the feeling

I used to the be same until I came across Michael Hyatt's book 'Free to Focus' And learned that productivity is not about getting more things done, its...

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The BIG opportunity for accountants Dec 27, 2021

So there's a big opportunity available to us accountants at the moment.

There is a sea change happening, which if you can identify the opportunity and attract these type of inquiries, then that's going to set yourself up to really scale your firm and add great value to your clients. This...

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How Amazon, Uber & Dominos are competing for YOUR business 😱 client experience client satisfaction wow experience Dec 20, 2021

Do you patronize these companies?

Amazon, Dominos, and Uber

How would you rate their services?

Most people I know would rate them quite high.

And do you know why that is?

Because they have the customer at the heart of all their operations.

It’s all about how much they value their...

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Here’s exactly what you should measure in your firm… pricing timesheets value Dec 13, 2021

Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions before?

“What should I spend time measuring in my firm to ensure we keep growing?”

“How do I measure my clients' satisfaction with my services?”

“How can we measure whether we’re on track with our...

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Measure this instead pricing timesheets value based pricing Dec 06, 2021

If we don't keep track of time, what should we measure instead? 

So many to choose from 

Whatever you measure, link it to the OUTCOME you are trying to achieve..

As a wise man once said 'anything that is watched and measured, IMPROVES' 

For most businesses, being client focused is...

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3 reasons why you should NEVER give a discount (and 2 occasions when you can 😊) discount value based pricing value pricing Nov 29, 2021

Can I have a discount?

uhhh ...

Ok because we really want to do business with you, you can have £xx off


You should never give a discount just because your prospect asks for one 

3 reasons why not to do so in the video 

If you absolutely must give one then only do so...

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How to create an awesome workplace culture #people corporate culture motivatedpeople Nov 22, 2021

Do you know the biggest mistake I see business owners make when managing their employees?


Let me tell you then.

They control instead of delegating. That’s right.

They place tight parameters such as work environment just to keep an eye on their employees all the time! And...

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There is never a place for time-based billing! timesheets value based pricing value pricing Nov 15, 2021

There is never a place for time-based billing!

This might be controversial to say, but it's a really lazy way to price. The concept of the billable hour was created back in the early 1900s by a chap called Reginald Heber Smith. He was a lawyer who created it to overcome the ills in his law firm....

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Group wins - working with other accountants pricing wins repricing exisiting clients transforming profits Nov 08, 2021

There's no way I'd talk to another accountant - what if they steal my clients?! I don't want to share my secrets with the 'competition'...

How things have changed

Only a few years back, you'd never hear of accountants talking so freely to other accountants. But accountants are sharing and caring...

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