That's too expensive
You: my clients are so price sensitive
No they're not!
Most people in society are not price sensitive
They are VALUE sensitive
If your clients:
- buy their coffee from Starbucks
- have an iPhone
- drive a premium brand car
They CANNOT be price sensitive ...
Struggling to attract new clients?
And can't seem to pinpoint why?
You may be swimming in the sea of sameness.
Does your website look like every other accountants website?
Do you list all the services you offer
Do you send out the same old Budget update like everyone...
So big debate on keeping timesheets earlier in the week
If we don't keep track of time, what should we measure instead?
So many to choose from
Whatever you measure, link it to the OUTCOME you are trying to achieve..
As a wise man once said 'anything that is watched and measured,...
Timesheets or no timesheets - that is the question
Always a subject which generates healthy debate
Which side of the fence are you on?
Still think timesheets have a place?
Or should they be binned into history forever
For #accountants and #lawyers IMHO they should be...
What's the best investment you've ever made?
Is it property?
Is it stocks and shares?
Is it Bitcoin?!
Mine is none of above..
It's investing in ME
Investing in my own learning and development
Investing in learning from mentors who have gone on the journey before me
99% of your problems stem from…
But, here’s the good news!
YOU are also the solution!
Shake those unproductive thoughts and get back to the things that are actually advancing you and your business
You are in control!
There will always be distractions...
Struggling with scope creep?
Feel like you and your team are working too hard with little return?
Chances are, your pricing needs attention
Given the nature of what we do as accountants, our services are very fluid
You've adopted fixed fee pricing because you know that...
What do you do with all the (useful) content that you read, watch and listen to ?
You know the stuff that really stands out that you want to keep for future reference.
How do you organise it all?
How do you take notes from podcasts or Youtube videos?
If you don't do you wish you did?
Is the...
You have to STOP relying on just referrals
And heres why
It’s not a strategy, which means it’s not something you can plan and forecast around
It leaves you with little control and ownership around where you next customer will come from
And look, I get it, referrals are great!...
Is it better to be a generalist or a specialist?
Clue: I’m a dentist looking for an accountant. Am I going to be interested in any accountant I come across or one who specialises in working with dentists?
The specialist firm, of course.
Because an accountant who specialises in my...
Have the last 10 months been as hard for you as everyone else in the accounting world?
furlough claims, loan applications, remote working not to mention the tax returns!
Winning new business was probably not on your priority list
You've worked crazy hours and been there for your...
What's the biggest change you've noticed since the pandemic began?
We're watching a lot more Netflix and Youtube
We're eating a lot more
We like our kids less and less [joke]
But seriously..
we're all using Zoom more
A year ago, most wouldn't have even heard of it
Now it's...