This really drives me up the wall šŸ˜” timesheets value based pricing value pricing May 16, 2022

You know one thing that really drives me up the wall is...Receiving a surprise bill. I get this quite often from solicitors. They’d be engaged on something like assisting with a new lease on a property and i’d receive a letter outlining their hourly rates. 

Thanks - but your...

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How Dipak went from Ā£0 - Ā£8,000 a month in just 6m pricing wins success stories win clients May 04, 2022

”You’ll make your money back - and some” 

Words from an incredible accountant called Dipak dhamecha

Dipak faced the typical challenges that many sole practitioners do:

  • Overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done and the pace of chance 
  • Where to start and what to...
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Pricing lessons from a Turkish barber pricing pricing strategy value based pricing Apr 18, 2022

I went to the new Turkish barber last week for a haircut. Walked in, took a seat (there was no price list). Was invited to take the chair. Offered a drink and went for the Turkish coffee.

Came out in an authentic cup. The barber took great care to get the blend just right. Then proceeded to wash...

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Are you still pricing by the hour? client experience email management sales Apr 11, 2022

If you bill by the hour, you get rewarded for being slow and inefficient. If your employees are completing timesheets, their focus is on the wrong things. Sounds so obvious doesn’t it?

Yet many firms still do it 

Imagine saying that out loud to a client when you give them your hourly...

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3 reasons why you should NEVER give a discount (and 2 occasions when you can šŸ˜Š) client satisfaction discount sales Apr 04, 2022

You're at the end of your meeting with the prospect and you've given them the price You wait for them to speak They finally do and say:

"Is there anything you can do for us on the price?"

You really want the business, you don't want to lose them, so you end up giving a reduction...



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We are NOT selling time timesheets value based pricing value pricing Mar 21, 2022

Clients don’t buy time from you. I don’t care how lovely you are, they are not paying you because they enjoy talking to you. They’re paying you because of the value you bring to the table. The solutions. The outcomes. The results. The peace of mind. These are what...

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Stop running around like a blue-arsed fly! client satisfaction positioning sales Mar 07, 2022

Ever feel like that? Like you’re constantly chasing your tail.. Drowning in client work and fire fighting. Not making the in-roads that you want to grow your practice. Well you’re not alone.

Tom is a small sole practitioner from Dublin with 2-3 employees and he was in...

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This Subscription pricing model would skyrocket your value pricing subscription pricing value based pricing Feb 28, 2022

How many subscriptions would you say you’re on right now? Quite a few I’d imagine. And I believe it can only keep on increasing from there. Wonder why that is?

It’s because it’s just the way of the world these days. We’re subscribing to everything from the...

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Why you should have the pricing conversation in personā€¦ proposal sales sales meetings Feb 21, 2022

How do you quote your price for prospects? Do you fancy sending your price on your proposal or talking about it in person?

You see, when it comes to quoting price to prospects, what you absolutely don’t want to do is send it through the proposal.

Instead, you want to have that pricing...

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Every Accountantā€™s Biggest Challenge Isā€¦ new business niche positioning Feb 18, 2022

If I was looking for the slowest way to grow my accounting firm, do you know what I’d do? I’d say in my messaging that I work with “small and medium-sized companies”

Yup, absolutely gonna take me a couple more decades to grow that way but seriously now, what am I driving...

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How to get a better price for the services you deliver pricing pricing strategy value based pricing Feb 14, 2022

Have you ever had a prospect call your price “too expensive”? And another prospect accept it without negotiating… like it’s a bargain? 

Why do you think that is? It’s the same service and price you’re offering both of them... But why is one willing to...

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Your prospects are lying to you!! Feb 07, 2022

Ever been in a conversation with a prospect and they tell you…

“I’ll think about it.”

“Send me a proposal.”

“I need to discuss with my partner and get back to you.”

Sound familiar?

Well, I hate to break to you but they’re lying!! They want to...

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