Accountants, do you hate ā€˜Sales Meetingsā€™? accountants clients sales meetings Jul 23, 2020

Do you hate having those sales meetings with prospects?

If you do, you're not alone. The thing is, we as accountants, we weren't trained to sell. We were never coached in how to sell and therefore it's not a surprise that, in a prospect meeting, we feel uncomfortable.

So today, I wanna share...

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Where do you start when it comes to creating content? accounting marketing social media Jul 20, 2020

So where should you start with your content?

What do you write about?

It's a common question I get asked from the accountants that I mentor and coach. Well, a great starting point is the book written by Marcus Sheridan called "They Ask, You Answer", and the basic summary or premise of the book is...

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Do you want to run webinars? Hereā€™s why you should... acoounting marketing webinars Jul 16, 2020

I did a webinar recently for my accountant audience on how to set up, promote, and deliver a webinar to your clients.

In the introduction, I talked about how important it is to do webinars, particularly in this climate where we can't do face-to-face meetings.

Webinars are a really powerful way to...

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4 ways to increase your productivity (and get more done!) Jul 13, 2020

So we all want to be more productive. We all want to get more stuff done but we all only have the same amount of minutes in a day.

We all only have 1,440 minutes in a day. So why is it that some people seem to get a lot more stuff done than others?

I ran a mentoring session a couple of months...

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How can you actually pivot in your accounting firm? accountant accounting firm pivot Jul 09, 2020

So we'll have heard of the current buzzword at the moment which is pivoting. It's that cool word that's going around during this time as to how we can pivot our business to compensate for the loss of income from our traditional channels.

So how, for example, a restaurant business can pivot...

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How to create content fast! accounting marketing social media Jul 06, 2020

I'm gonna share with you how to create content, and how to create content fast.

I'm gonna give you one technique that will help you to create masses of content that will keep you going for months on end.

So, that technique is called batching, and what batching simply means is that you batch your...

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The BIG opportunity (how can we make the most of it?) accounting manangement opportunity value Jul 02, 2020

In my last mentoring session, we talked about the big opportunity that we have as accountants over the next few years.

How to seize that opportunity, how to position ourselves to make the most of it, and what resources we can use to communicate the value of this offering. It's all about...

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3 tips that will help you get started with video accounting social media content video content Jun 29, 2020

So you know you need to do video, but you don't know where to start.

Let me share with you some tips that were helpful to me that will hopefully help you to get started with video.

Because now, more than ever, video is so important to get ourselves out there.

  • To increase your personal brand.
  • To...
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Should you niche your accounting firm? accounting marketing workplace environment Jun 25, 2020

So should you or shouldn't you niche your accounting firm?

Now there's a lot of difference of opinion on this in the sector. Some people will tell you that yes, you absolutely need to niche. Others would tell you nah, it's not really important.

You don't have to.

My view is that you can...

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Ditch the timesheet! (How to effectively measure profitability & productivity) accountant client satisfaction productivity profitability timesheets Jun 22, 2020

If you're an accountant do you still use timesheets in your practice?

In my last mentoring session I did a poll. There were about 50 accountants there and more than half said that they still used timesheets in their practice.

Now the vast majority don't use timesheets for billing purposes. So...

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How to communicate your value (so that your clients understand the value you can provide) pricing value Jun 18, 2020

A common issue I see amongst accountants I work with is that we struggle to communicate the value of what we do for our clients.

And therefore we struggle to get a fair price for all the value that we generate.

We're great at doing the work, we're not great at communicating the value that brings...

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3 things that actually motivate your team members (hint - it's not more money) motivation rowe team members May 18, 2020

A common challenge that I hear from many accounting firm owners that I work with is that it's really hard to find, to attract, and retain the best talent in their accounting firms.

So I thought I'd do a video on employee motivation and what motivates employees?

Now contrary to public opinion,...

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